Be on the Lookout for These Five Financial Scams

Be on the Lookout for These Five Financial Scams - Quicken Loans Zing Blog

Don’t we all wish the emails about winning buckets of money were real? Unfortunately, most of them are not. There are hundreds of scoundrels lurking on the Internet who trick innocent people into sending them money.

Scamming and scoundrels are nothing new. However, here are five growing scams worth reading about. Even if you’re hip to the latest schemes out there, you can pass this info…

What Affects Your Credit Score the Most?

You probably already know about the connection between your credit history and your credit report and how both impact your credit score. Remember that your credit score is like the grade on your credit report: companies use this number to rate your likelihood that you’ll repay your debts and pay your bills.But just what are the factors that go into calculating your credit score? And whic…

What is Installment Credit and How Can It Help Your Credit Score?

One of the biggest pieces of your credit history puzzle is installment credit. If you want to maximize your credit score, you need to make sure that you have an installment loan or two under your belt.

What is an Installment Loan?
There are two main types of loans: revolving and installment. With a revolving loan, you are given a limit, and you can keep borrowing as long as you mak…

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