Effects Of Debt Ceiling On Your Personal Finances

You’ve probably been hearing about the debt ceiling and the national debt in the news for a while. Should the U.S. government raise the debt ceiling? Does the government need to raise tax rates instead? How does the debt ceiling and national debt affect me? These are some of the questions that may come to mind every time you watch the news.
What is the Debt Ceiling?
Every day the government…

5 Ways to Keep Your House Cool During High Heat Index

With temperatures and the possibility of a heat stroke rising across the county, it seems like a pretty good time to write about keeping cool and cooling your home. These aren’t rocket science solutions, but these five things are very practical and should work for most people:

1)  Have trees around your house – My friend’s neighbor hates trees.  He came over last year and said…

5 DIY Summer Home Improvement Projects

Summer is a great season, but with it often comes time-consuming and back-breaking labor associated with DIY home improvement. The costs of getting your house in order can also be a real downer.

This year, we’ve prepared a list of five easy and inexpensive home improvement projects you can do now, while the weather is nice. Instead of dreading these tasks, you can look forward to them as fun…

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