December 7, 2011
In 1998, banks got the green light to gamble: The Glass-Steagall legislation, which separated regular banks and investment banks was repealed in 1998. This allowed banks, whose deposits were guaranteed by the FDIC, i.e. the government, to engage in highly risky business.
Low interest rates fueled an apparent boom: Following the dot-com bust in 2000, t…
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Home Improvement
December 1, 2011
Because fewer and fewer people are deciding to take the plunge into the murky waters of selling a home, remodeling projects are on the rise. Instead, home owners are refinancing and investing more into their existing homes to make them more comfortable, to modernize them or perhaps to make it easier to sell in this competitive market. Whatever the reason for the remodel, it’s important…
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Awesome Kitties Super Fly
November 27, 2011
Nam accumsan nisl vitae urna porttitor a rutrum. Curabitur pharetra magna faucibus magna laoreet sit amet suscipit tellus vulputate. Mauris magna turpis, ullamcorper nec dictum vel, fringilla sed justo. Nulla non massa at lectus posuere consequat sed quis orci. Praesent aliquam posuere lacus mattis convallis. Phasellus vitae massa massa, vel accumsan nibh. Integer quis nibh velit, condimentum…
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