
Credit History

Bad credit loans: How much does bad credit cost me?

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Bad credit loans: How much does bad credit cost me?
How do you know if you can get a “prime” loan, or if you need bad credit loans instead?

If your FICO puts you into the “poor” credit range, you’ll probably need non-prime financing
You may even need bad credit loans if your score is “fair”
Recent events like foreclosures, bankruptcies, charge-offs, or collections mak…

Understanding Secured Credit Cards

Here is a useful article from Bethany at

The time has come to look into applying for a secured credit card. I’m learning one of the downsides to not having credit or low credit, is that no one trusts me to borrow money. Batting my eyelashes and pinky-promising to pay back the creditors doesn’t seem to work as well with them as it does with Dad. Who knew? To them, I’m a…

A Foreclosure: How It Affects Your Credit

You know that a foreclosure on your home can be a big deal when it comes to your credit. But how big of a deal can it be? You might be surprised at how much a foreclosure can impact your credit, and how long it can take to recover, depending on the situation.
Why foreclosure can be so devastating
Foreclosure can be so devastating because it is related to your payment history. Your payment…

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