
Home Selling

Selling your existing home?

If you are selling your current home, please retain the following documents as they become available and provide them to your loan officer. This will make obtaining a mortgage for the purchase of your new home a lot smoother.
Once you have a buyer and an accepted sales contract:

Please provide us with a copy of your sales contract, signed by all parties
We also need an estimated Closing…

Simultaneously Buying and Selling Your Home

Selling your home while simultaneously buying a new one can be a daunting task, but it CAN be done successfully! Some homeowners fear that bad timing or a taxing sales process could lead to temporary homelessness and extra stress. Before you tackle such an undertaking, here are some helpful hints to consider.
Get Off to a Strong Start
First, enlist the help of an experienced real estat…

7777 Bonhomme Ave, Ste. 1800
St. Louis, MO 63105
NMLS ID: #1203639
MO License: #111990
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